Monkreddan Pauline


Monkreddan Pauline                            Born 24/8/74        Died 1988

Breeders                                             J. & M. Caldwell

Sire                                                     Glengorm Auld Clootie

Dam                                                     Monkreddan Sophie

Blue & White Bitch                                Known as Fruach


Now there's a name to recon with - thanks to the Kennel Club - should have been Monkreddan Dealas Fruach, but they thought that there were to many Dealas' registered so they nominated the above name. Fru arrive when GB was 18 months old. She was a sweet, loving little blue Beardie who adored her human dad and followed him everywhere.


Her greatest loves were chasing - wait for it - no not cats or cars she would just jump in them either doors or boots (trunks) but TRAINS!!!! We used to live very near a main train line and when we were out walking if a train came she just took off, heaven knows what the drivers and passengers thought.








Fru gave us our first litter of pups' way back in '77 - I was a practicing Midwife at the time and enjoyed the experience of puppy delivering. We had a whelping box which never got used much. Fru decided she did not want her pups in a wooden box, no they were not staying in the kennel either after much argument and moving pups about she settled for our quilt under the bedroom radiator.

She remained as wilful until the end when her sight and her hearing were failing, although she would still go out walking. She would go her usual way regardless of which way you went. 

One night we arrived without her, after taking a short cut. Panic Stations. Out looking for her. Then we got a phone call from the local ice cream shop - she had been sitting outside it for 45 minutes waiting for ice cream.


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